California Lawyers Wellness Walking Challenge Resources

Congratulations on the start of your Walking the California Coast Challenge.

Below are audio, video, and text resources to assist you in competing your walking challenge.


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Walking and Breathing

The act of walking is as natural as breathing. Breathing is something we can control and regulate. It is a useful tool for achieving a relaxed and clear state of mind.

Breath Quote Thich Nhat Hanh.png

To Breathe Properly, You Need to:

•Breathe deeply into your abdomen, not just your chest.

•Breathing exercises should be deep, slow, rhythmic, and in through the nose, out through the mouth.

•The most important part of deep breathing is to regulate your breaths.

I use an odd number pattern to my breathing routine. The pattern is based on the number of steps you choose to count. The idea is that by using an odd number, the cycle will repeat itself on the opposite foot each time.

Odd Number Breathing Pattern:

•Begin by inhaling through your nose thereby expanding the belly for 4 steps

•Then, exhale through your mouth, for 3 steps (pulling your abs in)

•Repeat the cycle 4 in, 3 out

•The cycle is 7 steps (an odd number).

•The next cycle begins on the opposite foot.

•Adjust the pattern as you see fit, but always use an odd number with the inhale 1 step more than the exhale.

Going forward, if you need to shorten the count - especially if breathing gets heavier with more exertion - just change to 5 steps; 3 steps inhale, 2 steps exhale.

When we use the Odd Number Breathing Cycle, the cycle alternates the start point (or foot we land on) with each cycle of breathing.

Walk on,
Frank S. Ring

Walking Videos

Starting Out as a walker

The Walking Mindset

The Walking Mindset

Walking books by Frank S. Ring Available through

Walking books by Frank S. Ring Available through

Walking Fitness

Walking Wellness

Safety on the Road
