Press Kit - Podcast Guest Information
Frank S. Ring

Walking for Health and Fitness is a health, fitness, and wellness website. We publish books, quarterly newsletter, digital programs, and videos dedicated to walking and all the physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits that come from it to achieve a healthy, balanced lifestyle!

Our mission is to assist you in:

• Developing a consistent routine in preparing to walk

• Developing good fitness routine habits

• Develop a clear mindset for creativity and problem solving

• Enjoying the walking lifestyle

->Download the Press Kit for more information about Frank S. Ring

“Why am I so enthusiastic about walking for health and fitness? I’ll give you three reasons; Walking is free, walking is easy to do, and walking is gentle on your muscles, joints, bones, and your mindset. Walking is the easiest way to get in shape and stay in shape” -Frank S. Ring

About Frank S. Ring

Frank S. Ring is the author of Walking for Health and Fitness: The Easiest Way to Get in Shape and Stay in Shape.

The book was the #1 best-selling walking book in Amazon’s Digital Download category on 10/22/23.

The University of Indiana uses this book in a wellness course.

Frank also created a walking information webpage and booklet for the California Lawyers Association’s August 2021 Walking Wellness Challenge.

He has authored three other books that focus on walking, Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercises, Walking Inspiration: a 12-month Plan to Inspire Your Health and Fitness, and Walk Logbook Journal.

His Walking for Health and Fitness Website, Podcast, and YouTube channel are dedicated to walking and the physical, emotional, creative, and spiritual benefits to achieve a healthy, balanced lifestyle!

Books by Frank S. Ring:

Fitness Programs by Frank S. Ring

Frank S. Ring: Podcast Guesting Information.

Frank is available for:

  • News interviews

  • Presentations

  • Podcast guest spots

Podcast Guest Spots (several already scheduled This year!)