Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercises Chapter Downloads
Thank you for your interest in Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercises. To claim your free download and gifts, please fill in your information below.
You’ll get the first 2 chapters of my book, my Get Out the Door Checklist, and Walking Inspiration, my quarterly newsletter.
When you purchase my book, I’ve included several bonus features designed to get you out the door and walking ($104 Value).
Bonus #1 The Audiobook Version ($20 Value)
Bonus #2 The Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercise Supplement Guide ($20 Value)
Bonus #3 The Exclusive resource page containing free downloads, links, updates, and other fitness walking content ($40 Value)Bonus #4 Get Out the Door Checklist (Priceless)
Bonus #5 Walking Inspiration, our quarterly magazine designed to inspire you to walk more miles, enjoy all the benefits of walking, and feel great ($24 Value)
Walk on,
Frank S. Ring
Download the giveaway book chapters and gifts below.
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