Fitness Walking Exercise Program Extras
digital downloads and resources
Thank you for purchasing the Fitness Walking Exercise Program!
Download the Fitness Walking Programs Bonus Content
BONUS #1: Fitness Walking Exercise Program Supplemental Guide 78-Page Booklet - (Included in the Fitness Walking Exercise Program Download)
BONUS #2: Audiobook Version of the Booklet: This is a Win-Win situation. You walk and learn at the same time.
BONUS #3: Track Your Progress Worksheet
BONUS #4: 10 Tips to Perfect Your Walking Form
BONUS #5: 40 Inspirational Walking Quotes
BONUS #6: Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercise Audiobook
BONUS #7: Walking for Health and Fitness Audiobook
BONUS #8: Walking Inspiration Audiobook
BONUS #9: Access to my exclusive Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercise Program web page… You are here!
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Subscribe to the Walking for Health and Fitness YouTube Channel for more great walking content. Currently there are over 95 videos to view!
Additional Walking Resources:
Download: Walking Inspiration Quarterly Newsletter
LINK: Map Pedometer- Use this online mapping resourse to explore new places to walk. You many be pleasantly surprised to find a hidden gem close to home!
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