Staying Motivated - How Walking and Mindset Go Hand-in-Hand
Staying Motivated
Let’s face it, life sometimes gets in the way of our hope, dreams, goals, and plans. Have you ever thought of giving up on your goals when the challenges you face seem too big to overcome?
I have. And so have many others.
“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Our commitment to those goals and dreams are tested often. When roadblocks appear, it seems so easy to turn back.
The good news is that when you overcome these challenges and stay committed to your dreams, fantastic things happen! You build character and discover what you are made of. It brings out your most authentic self.
Excerpt: Walking Inspiration by Frank S. Ring Available on Amazon
What is Motivation?
The definition of motivation is the reason you have for acting or behaving in a particular way.
You need to find that one thing to inspire you to walk. Here are several suggestions to help keep you moving. Of course, your reason for walking may not be on this list and that’s just great as long as you have a reason, any reason to keep moving!
Soak up the sunshine
Aches and pains can’t catch you
1,000 extra steps a day help you lose weight
Tracking your steps and mileage is exciting
Changing your walking routes changes your calorie burn
Walking every day is powerful medicine: Walking improves brain function, immune function, bone health, breast health, mood, and heart health
15-minutes a day = more energy
Easy to tone while on the road – add one or more of the following bodyweight fitness movements and you add metabolism-boosting power to your next walk. Pushups, lunges, squats, and planks - Read: 11 Benefits of Pushups for a Stronger Body
A deeper connection to others
Develop greater confidence
Have a Goal
It’s worth repeating from my February lesson that goals give us a purpose! Here is a review of the seven steps that will help you to set and achieve your goals!
Decide exactly what you want in terms of health and fitness
Write down your goals and make them measurable
Set a deadline
Identify all the obstacles that you will have to overcome to achieve your goals
Determine the additional knowledge and skills that you will require to achieve your goals
Determine those people whose help and cooperation you will require to achieve your goals
Make a list of all your answers to the above, and organize them by sequence and priority
By following these seven steps, you can accomplish any goal that you set for yourself.
If you have not set your goal yet, then reread the above steps and get started on the road to successful walking!
“Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor”
- Brian Tracy
Write It Down - Put Your Goals on Paper
Add as much information as you need to “paint” a complete picture of your walking health and fitness routine. I’m constantly added elements to my mileage worksheet and adjusting my goals.
Sign up for more information about The Walking for Health and Fitness Complete Program. Included in the program is the Walking and Fitness Daily Journal.
Fill in your information each day to monitor your progress. It’s a great feeling when you look back 6-months from now and see, in writing, how far you’ve come as a walker.
The Journal will keep you honest. Having a blank entry will get you moving.
10 Ways to Stay Motivated
Create a Vision Board: This will help you visualize your intended results and allow you to see your ideal future! As you create the vision board, your creativity will begin to shine through and fire up your imagination as you create your future
Break your goals down into smaller pieces: “Chunk it down”
Treat yourself whenever you have achieved these smaller pieces
Share your walking goals with supportive people
Keep yourself organized by having a walking routine
Keep the big picture in mind
Don’t worry about what you can’t control
Seek out positive information
Remind yourself why you set your goals
Be consistent
“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers, you cannot be successful or happy.”
- Norman Vincent Peale
Your Next Step:
Set or adjust your goals, then incorporate some or all of the 10 ways to stay motivated into your walking routine.
Watch my YouTube video series: Keys to Staying Motivated
Read more about Walking: Walking for Health and Fitness (first blog post)
“Breathe in inspiration and trust yourself that the answer is yes you can.”
- Author Unknown
Walk on,
Frank S. Ring
Author: Walking for Health and Fitness, Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercises, and Walking Inspiration.
PS Read original Walking for Health and Fitness blog post for a complete overview of the benefits of walking!