Walking is more than just a way to get from one place to another—it’s a transformative activity that can boost your physical health, mental clarity, and overall well-being. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, manage diabetes, or simply lead a more active lifestyle, walking is an accessible and effective solution for all fitness levels.
Find Your Why: The Key to Staying Motivated on Your Fitness Journey
Use Inspirational Quotes to Inspire Your Next Walk
Welcome to our blog post dedicated to the transformative potential of inspirational quotes for your next walk. If you're searching for a boost of motivation or a dose of positivity to enhance your walking experience, you've come to the right place. These 35 powerful walking quotes were meticulously curated to uplift your spirits, ignite your motivation, and infuse your strides with positivity.
75 Things to Do While Walking
UPDATED: I’ve come up with the top 75 things to do while walking (#29 will truly surprise you). I’ve done all of them and they’ve kept me walking, entertained, and in great shape! It’s a funny thing when I tell people I really enjoy walking, they tell me it’s so boring. Quite honestly, I don’t get that!
Walking and Fitness Accountability Presentation
8 Benefits of Journaling and Tracking Your Walking Miles
Progress is a forward or onward movement toward a destination. Journaling and tracking your walking miles are essential for several reasons. By recording your walking mileage, steps, exercises you do during your walks and journaling any insights you have, you will gain a wealth of knowledge about your physical and emotional progress. Read about 8 Benefits of Journaling Your Walking Miles.
14 Questions about the Walking Logbook Journal
Keep Your Fitness Walking Inspiration Burning During the Fall and Any Time of Year.
7 Benefits of Listening to Podcasts While Walking
Mental Health for Teenagers: Walk and Talk with Your Teen
10 Life Lessons - Mom's Life Well Lived
10 Life Lessons (Mom's life well lived)
On August 26, 2016, my mom, Anne Ring, lost her battle with pancreatic cancer. Mom had a series of “life lessons” that I put together for her eulogy. While she never wrote these down formally, these are what stuck with me as I reflected on how she lived her life and what she left behind for my dad, sisters, brother, her grandchildren, her great grandchildren, and me.
As I move forward with my teaching career, online business, and life in general, I keep her lessons at the forefront of my thoughts each day.
Walking and Creativity - Develop Your Walking Creativity Routine
How would you like a boost to your creativity, mindset, and problem-solving ability and develop your Walking Creativity Routine? I explain how walking will allow you to tap into your best creativity and ideas while walking your way to better health and fitness. Walking and creativity go together to problem-solve, visualize, and motivate you to do your best thinking in a transformational process.
How to Become Your Best Self
Looking and feeling your best requires sacrifices and changes to your lifestyle, and it can feel daunting if you don’t know where to start. This guide will help you begin your journey toward your best self, regardless of whether you’re stuck at home or heading out into the world for some socially distant adventures.
My Virtual Walk Around the United States
It’s appropriate that I post this on the last day in May as the monthly topic in my book Walking Inspiration is on tracking your progress on your way to health and fitness. My 16-year virtual run around the United State is a great example of tracking progress! Keeping a record of your walking miles will provide you with a wealth of information on your fitness progress. This brings me to my “Virtual Walk Around the United States” and how I’ve tracked my running, now walking miles, since January 1, 2004.
Spike Carlsen, Author Interview: A Walk Around the Block
Watch my interview with noted author Spike Carlsen as we discuss his latest book, A Walk Around the Block. "We read books about climbing Mt. Everest, going down the Amazon, and going to the moon but we don't know much about the world right outside our door." -Spike Carlsen. Spike took time out from doing national media to become the first guest on Weekly Walking Tips and Inspiration, my weekly walking YouTube show.
11 Reasons to Love Walking
Getting out and walking is so important especially if you spend so much time indoors during this Covid-19 crisis. But even before the crisis, many people might have been reluctant to walk for exercise thinking “that something I only do while on vacation.” I’m I right? How many of you will take a walk after dinner while away on vacation? Then, You come back from vacation all refreshed and get right back into the work routine that got you stressed out in the first place.
Just Maybe it was that daily walk the had you refreshed as much as being away? Have you ever thought about the mind-body connection and walking?
Staying Motivated - How Walking and Mindset Go Hand-in-Hand
Walking Inspiration Book Release!
In these trying times, we all could use some inspiration. I have been working on Walking Inspiration since early January. I never thought I'd release it during a crisis time in this country and the world... but maybe the message in this book will inspire you towards a healthy and fit lifestyle through walking in order to overcome the times ahead.
40 Inspirational Walking Quotes | Plus 3 Great Life Quotes!
A powerful inspirational quote may be just the thing you need to get out the door and take that first step. Write it down and post it where you can read it often throughout the day.
Sometimes all it takes is just a well-thought-out quote or aphorism to inspire and remind yourself you have what it take to succeed and reach your destination. An inspirational quote can give you the needed boost to energize your mindset.
How to Problem Solve While Walking
You are just a few steps away from solving your most pressing problems. How to problem solve while walking will give you the tools to take action on your most pressing concerns. Problems, we all have them and at times they can overwhelm you, cause you to lose sleep, and affect every aspect of your life. But, have you ever noticed that some people never get flustered in the face of a major problem? What do they know and do that so many of us don’t?