Keep Your Fitness Walking Inspiration Burning During the Fall and Any Time of Year. —

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    Keep Your Fitness Walking Inspiration Burning During the Fall and Any Time of Year.

    Keep Your Fitness Walking Inspiration Burning During the Fall and any time of year.

    Are you struggling to get out the door and moving? Remember what your body can do, and do it! Continuing your walking routine may become a struggle with the coming fall and fewer sunlight hours.

    Life seems to get more demanding after the summer. I think the shorter days contribute to this sense of having less time to work out. Also, the cooler weather makes us less inclined to get outdoors.

    Here are four easy-to-implement tips to keep your walking fitness inspiration burning during the fall and any time of year.

    Read to the end for my bonus information on the power of walking and how walking can save you a substantial amount of money.

    Fitness Walking Inspiration Tip #1:
    Write Down Your Walking Goals

    Walk goal on bedroom mirror

    Write them down and post them where you can read them several times daily. People who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them.

    I post my goals on my bedroom mirror.

    Then, share your goals with family and friends so they can join in your excitement about your goals.

    Knowing your "Why" will keep that fire burning inside you. Watch my “Know Your Why “ video.

    In his book, The Power of Intention, the late Dr. Wayne Dyer says, "In the universe, there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link."

    Where attention goes, energy flows, and results show! Set your walking and fitness intention and crush it!

    Fitness Walking Inspiration Tip #2:
    Plan Ahead

    Schedule walking time just as you would a doctor's appointment. Committing time to your health is the ultimate investment you can make in yourself! Let me repeat that, dedicating time to your health is the major investment you can make in yourself.

    Remember, You can't buy a new body!

    Blocking off periods of time signals that you are making your health a priority. Also, have a plan B. Yes, life sometimes gets in the way, but if you know you can't take your half-hour walk after dinner this evening, then walk 15-minutes in the morning and 15-minutes at lunch to get the same benefit.

    Before I get to tip numbers 3 and 4, the information in this post comes from my FREE Newsletter, Walking Inspiration. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP!

    I publish Walking Inspiration four times a year, coinciding with the change of season.

    The fall 2022 issue includes articles on exercise for sleep, ways to improve your mental health, the warm-up & the cool-down, what I see on the road, and other topical issues.

    Fitness Walking Inspiration Tip #3:
    Set Yourself Up for Success

    Have your "Get Out the Door" routine set! Have your walking clothes and shoe out, and Have your pack ready with your accessories gear (earbuds, phone, water, etc.).

    Set your alarm as a reminder, and you'll quickly and easily be off to a great workout every day.

    get out the door routine walking for health and fitness

    Photo by Masood Aslami


    The more automatic your routine, the easier it will be to get into the flow of your walk.

    Being organized is beneficial to any fitness routine. The less you think about, the more you can focus on the workout ahead.

    When you join my email list, you'll also receive my Get Out the Door Checklist to help organize your routine.

    Fitness Walking Inspiration Tip #4:
    Reward, Refine, Rewire

    Reward yourself for reaching your goals, and be creative in treating yourself right.

    Refine or reset your goals if you find they aren't attainable or another factor has changed.

    Make the appropriate changes and refine the goal to achieve your best results.

    Rewire your mindset if you find negative thoughts about working out are creeping in. Remind yourself of the overall goal and give yourself credit for how hard you have worked up to this point.

    Reframe negative thoughts with language that will empower you. Focus on the positives of walking and staying in shape.

    Repeating affirmations, mantras, and journaling can be helpful to keep you in a positive and optimal mindset.

    Think about how exercise gives you many blessings: increased energy, improved sleep, reduced stress, and much more.

    If you're struggling to get up and walk, remember what your body can do, and do it!

    These four fitness walking exercise tips will help you any time of year.

    You can do amazing things when your desire is fired up by intention and purpose.

    Before I get to my money-saving bonus information about keeping your fitness walking inspiration burning, please check out my first book, Walking for Health and Fitness, the easiest way to get in shape and stay in shape. Included free with each purchase is the audiobook version for you to listen to on your walks ($15 Value)

    The information in my book will get you up and moving with chapters that include Benefits of Walking, 7 Ways sitting can kill you, Supercharge your walking, Paths to Fitness, and 18 more chapters of walking, health, and fitness information.

    This book and my other two walking-themed books, Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercises, & Walking Inspiration, are available at

    My bonus information from my book Walking for Health and Fitness will show you the power of walking.

    Studies published in both the Journal of the American Heart Association and The Lancet concluded that a person who exercises five times per week paid $2,500 less in annual health care expenses related to heart disease than someone who did not walk or otherwise move for 30 minutes per day, five times per week!

    So, along with getting you in great shape, walking will save you a substantial amount of money!

    So don't wait to get your fitness walking inspiration burning.

    Implement these four tips as soon as possible:

    • Set a challenging goal for yourself this month and post it where you can see it,

    • Set your walking schedule,

    • Create your get-out-the-door routine,

    • Enjoy the fruits of your success by rewarding yourself!

    And lastly, you'll save a lot of money by walking to maintain good physical condition. Spend it wisely!

    Walk on!

    Book 1: Walking for Health and Fitness
    Book 2: Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercises
    Book 3: Walking Inspiration - A 12-Month Plan to Inspire Your Health and Fitness