Walking is more than just a way to get from one place to another—it’s a transformative activity that can boost your physical health, mental clarity, and overall well-being. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, manage diabetes, or simply lead a more active lifestyle, walking is an accessible and effective solution for all fitness levels.
How to Become Your Best Self
Looking and feeling your best requires sacrifices and changes to your lifestyle, and it can feel daunting if you don’t know where to start. This guide will help you begin your journey toward your best self, regardless of whether you’re stuck at home or heading out into the world for some socially distant adventures.
Walking Inspiration Book Release!
In these trying times, we all could use some inspiration. I have been working on Walking Inspiration since early January. I never thought I'd release it during a crisis time in this country and the world... but maybe the message in this book will inspire you towards a healthy and fit lifestyle through walking in order to overcome the times ahead.
Whey Protein Powder-The Quickest Way to Boost Your Nutrition
Adding a protein shake to your eating plan and diet strategy is a positive step in the right direction.
Do you have enough time in your busy schedule to get the proper nutrition? The endless search for the right foods to eat, the shopping, and the food preparation, all add up to significant time and effort. I’ve found the quickest way to boost my nutrition is through the use of whey protein supplement powders. The benefits of whey protein are numerous.
Amazon Release of Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercises
ARE YOU READY TO LEARN THE SECRET TO: Feeling great, living longer, having a positive mindset, and save money in the process? See how walking, yes walking for health and fitness, is the easiest way to get in shape and stay in shape. You need to get in shape and you want to feel good physically and mentally, but you don’t know how to start a fitness walking exercise program.
15 Winter Gift Ideas for the Walking Enthusiast in Your Life. Don’t Forget to Treat Yourself!
During the cold winter months, between the hustle and bustle of your busy life and getting out to do your walking workout, it can be easy to forget a gift for someone on your list. No worries, shopping for your walking family members or friends is easier than you think. These 15 winter gift ideas for the walking enthusiast will bring a smile to everyone’s face.
Knowledge is Power. Read my blog post that accompanies each product suggestion
Also, remember to treat yourself for all the walking miles you’ve put in!
How to Problem Solve While Walking
You are just a few steps away from solving your most pressing problems. How to problem solve while walking will give you the tools to take action on your most pressing concerns. Problems, we all have them and at times they can overwhelm you, cause you to lose sleep, and affect every aspect of your life. But, have you ever noticed that some people never get flustered in the face of a major problem? What do they know and do that so many of us don’t?
Amazon Release of Walking for Health and Fitness - The eBook!
I am pleased to announce the Amazon release of Walking for Health and Fitness!
Walking for Health and Fitness gives you specific steps to take to get moving today and keep you moving well into the future. It’s 170-pages were designed to be read quickly, highlight the benefits of walking, and most importantly... get you out the door walking!
The eBook, Walking for Health and Fitness is now available on the Kindle Platform via Amazon.com
Does 10,000 Steps Keep the Doctor Away?
Yes! I truly believe that walking is the easiest way to get in shape and stay in shape.
The research has been established of the health benefits of 10,000 steps per day. This figure has been adopted by the World Health Organization, The American Heart Foundation, and the US Department of Health and Human Services as a daily activity recommendation.
5 Benefits of Listening to Audiobooks
I love listening to audiobooks! In fact, since I began walking 3 years ago, I’ve listened to dozens of books ranging from bestselling fiction, World War 2 History, How-to books, Internet Marketing, content creation, and my all-time favorite “Why I Love Baseball” by Larry King. Now, most recently I listened to the audiobook version of my Walking for Health and Fitness eBook as a way to review and edit it before its release.
National Walking Day
Keys to Staying Motivated When Walking
Getting in the Zone in 5 Easy Steps
The Zone! Have you ever been in it? Can you learn to quickly get there? Can you use this state anytime you want to produce outstanding results? Getting in the zone in 5 easy steps is about a mindset that allows you to expand your thoughts and focus in on what will make you happier, healthier, and fitter. Walking will help you to quickly accomplish this and much more!