Weekly Walking Tips and Inspiration Show 6

Welcome to my walking show, Weekly Walking Tips and Inspiration Show 6.

The Weekly Walking Tips and Inspiration Show is your first step to good health.

The Weekly Walking Tips and Inspiration show is created by Frank S. Ring the author of 3 books on walking:

Each show will focus on walking and the health, wellness, mindset, emotional, and spiritual benefits you can achieve by simply putting one foot in front of the other.

In today’s Weekly Walking Tips and Inspiration, we will cover:

  • Inspirational Quote #1: All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking. - Friedrich Nietzsche

  • Walking Tip #1: January: What’s your why for the new year?

  • Sponsor Spot: Manifestation Miracle Download the Quick Results Checklist to save time
    and start your exciting journey

  • Recipes by Stacey

  • Today’s Background Image: Waterfall under bridge in Round Top

  • Walking Tip #2: Is Taking 10,000 steps every day necessary for good health and fitness?

  • A new feature called STEPS – today I’ll define the letter S in that acronym

  • Walking News: Is your health care provider proactive?

  • Inspirational Quote #2: Walking is the only form of transportation in which a man proceeds erect - like a man - on his own legs, under his own power. There is immense satisfaction in that. ― Edward Abbey

  • Your Next Step

What’s Your Why for the New Year?

To get the most from your walking routine, you must know what motivates you. More importantly, what's your why?

Motivation gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

We hear about motivational speakers, motivational quotes, motivational books, and motivational

seminars, but do these people and things really get you motivated?

Here are 4 things you can do to… “Know Your Why?”

  • Have a Vision: A vision helps us to create the future.

  • Be Positive: What you think is what you become! In the description is a link to 3 free audio tracks to help you form a positive mindset.

  • The Right People: Having a positive support group will make all the difference in the world. And, by walking you just may find a whole new set of acquaintances that will be in your corner cheering you on.

  • The Plan: All coaches have a plan for their team’s success, and you should have one for yours!

The fun is in the planning!

If you were building your dream house, I bet you’d spend countless hours going over every detail before and during construction. Then, you’d hand off your idea to a builder who will follow blueprints to complete your dream house.


Isn’t building up your body, improving your health and fitness, working on your mindset, and increasing your energy levels to facilitate this process more important than building your house?

You wouldn’t build your house without a working plan, so why would you undertake the most important building project in your lifetime, your own body, without written details?

You may write out that you want to lose 20 lbs. and be able to walk for 1 hour without stopping. These are great starts to your plan.

The fun in planning is in the details. I love looking at mapping websites such as Google Mappit Pedometer and Google Earth to plan out where I will go on my next walk. Where will I park my car? Are there any interesting sites along the route I should see? Can I get a cup of coffee somewhere?

I will usually spend several minutes each day exploring the towns around me looking for that perfect route that has wide streets, little traffic, and a coffee stop somewhere along the way!

This is the fun part of staying in shape. When I plan out how far and where I will be walking, I am lost in own head for a while and then I can’t wait to begin my new workout or should I say “walk-out”!

Again, in the description is a link to 3 free mediation audio tracks to help you in visualizing your plan.

Check out my book Walking Inspiration. It’s a 12-month plan to inspire your health and fitness through walking… it’s available through Amazon.com in both digital and paperback versions.

Sponsor Spot: Manifestation Miracle*

Knowing your why and walking go hand in hand with this week’s show sponsor.

I began using the Manifestation Miracle program 4 years ago as I was recovering from by back injury.

I listened to the audiobook on my rehab walks and it ignited a ton of ideas about my future. It was during these “mind body” rehab walks that I formulated the plan to write about walking.

Later on, those plans extended to a website, books, blogposts, audiobooks, and soon an audio fitness program for you to do while you… wait for it walk.

If you’re looking to start the new year off on a new path, Manifestation Miracle will assist you in starting off on the right foot.

The quick start guide within the program is a priceless resource and will quickly get you on your way to taking action towards your new future.

Part of the program is the the book and audiobook which is uplifting and perfect company on your next walk.

The important point is that It will assist you in accomplishing your dreams.

Recipe by Stacey: pancakes_stacey

Today’s recipe by Stacey is Parmesan Pepper Roasted Veggies with Basil

Download the show notes for the recipe and read more about Pancakes_stacey and all her great creations.

Walking Inspiration e-Magazine

I like taking image on the road and my quarterly eMagazine Walking Inspiration contains 2 pages of my walking images along with informative walking and inspirational content. Each issue is about 21 pages long.

—>The newsletter is free for all email subscribers. <—

The winter 20-21 issue is available now…click on the Newsletter link to learn more.

Walking Tip #2

Is Taking 10,000 steps every day necessary for good health and fitness?

The research has been established on the health benefits of walking 10,000 steps per day. This figure has been adopted by the World Health Organization, The American Heart Foundation, and the US Department of Health and Human Services as a daily activity recommendation.


I’m going to reference a quote by Jim Rohn, “The major reason for setting a goal is for what it makes of you to accomplish it. What it makes of you will always be the far greater value than what you get.”

If you fall short of 10,000 will that be detrimental to your health? No, of course not.

But Having a number… in this case 10,000 front and center in your mind is what is important.

Soon, you’ll be taking the longer route home on your next walk, or parking your car in the spot furthest from the front door of the store. It’s these little changes each day that will help add to your step count.

It goes back to last segment on knowing your why and having a plan.

Soon you’ll be walking 10,000 steps without breaking a sweat.

I call this my STEPS segment

To help you along the way keep the acronym STEPS in mind.

In this episode we cover the Letter S.

From my book, Walking for Health and Fitness,

S stands for Shorter Quicker Stride

Turnover rate is the key to quicker walking. The more steps you take per minute, the quicker you will walk. Think of a car’s piston pumping up and down quickly.

Walking speed is associated with longevity in older adults.

You may think that a longer stride would help you walk faster but this is not the case.

Increasing your stride puts your legs in an outstretched position which acts as a break.

If you walk with music playing, choose songs with different beats per minute then match your steps to the beat.

Remember, Shorter steps are better.

In next week show I’ll cover the letter T in STEPS.

So, ring that notification bell to learn what the letter T stands for.

Does your health care provider offer an incentive to stay in shape?

health care pays me to walk .jpeg

Starting on January 1st of this year, my health care provider began offering an incentive to exercise. It’s very simple, if I walk 10,000 steps in a day 12 times in a month, they will send $20 directly into my bank account!

I downloaded their app onto my iPhone and it syncs with the Health app that tracks my steps.

We all know the health benefits of walking and doing the “magical” 10,000 steps:

  • Improve heart and lung function,

  • reduced body fat,

  • stronger bones,

  • alleviates depression and anxiety,

  • etc.

Finally, health insurance companies are seeing the wisdom of preventative care to keep down long-term health care costs.

Check with your provider and see if they offer a similar program.

If they don’t then demand they do!

Walking is the only form of transportation in which a man proceeds erect - like a man - on his own legs, under his own power. There is immense satisfaction in that. ― Edward Abbey

Your Next Step

1. Walking Tip #1: January: What’s your why for the new year?

a. Download the Quick Results Checklist to save time
and start your exciting journey

b. Check out my book Walking Inspiration to help you develop your 12-month Plan.

2. Make Stacey’s Parmesan Pepper Roasted Veggies with Basil. The recipe is in the show notes

3. Sign up on our mailing list and get our Quarterly eMagazine Walking Inspiration

4. Email Frank your background image and story behind it.

5. Set a goal of 10,000 steps… Just having that thought each day will cause to take action!

6. Remember our STEPS segment… S= shorter quicker stride

7. Ask your Healthcare provider if they offer “walking” discounts as an incentive for proactive preventive care.

8. Like, share, and subscribe to this channel and Step on that bell.

For more walking information, I’ve got you covered with my 3 books.

This is Frank for Walking for Health and Fitness, Walk on!

*I do make a commission if you order the product through my link.