Weekly Walking Tips and Inspiration | Show 7

My goal is to do 52 consecutive weeks… 7 down 45 to go! 

In today’s Weekly Walking Tips and Inspiration, we will cover:

o  Intro from Frank

o  Inspirational Quote #1: “Control your own destiny or someone else will.” Jack Welch, Legendary CEO for General Electric

o  Walking Tip #1: The Power of Pushups

o  Sponsor Spot: Dr. Steve’s Back Pain Break Through

o Download my Benefits of Fitness Walking Guide

o  Recipes by Stacey: Cheesy Penne & Meatball Pasta Bake with Spinach (show notes)

o  Today’s Background Image: Ogunquit Maine Beach in AM.

o  Walking Tip #2: Safety on the road

o  Part 2 of my new feature called STEPS – today I’ll define the letter T in that acronym

o  Walking News: Virtual Walks

o  Inspirational Quote #2: This is a very special quote as I was on an online meeting with author Hal Elrod. I asked Hal a question about staying motivated during difficult times. Hal’s reply to me was awesome, so I’ll let him tell you Inspiration Quote #2 later in the show. “On the day of victory, no fatigue is felt” English Proverb 

o  Your Next Step

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Back Pain Breakthrough

Show Sponsor: 80% of adults will face some type of lower back injury. Most will be a mild case of a sore back from over-use, others, like me, might have herniated a disc. This will require more care and daily maintenance to stay pain free.

This leads me to the sponsor spot and Dr. Steve’s Back Pain Breakthrough program.  

As I mentioned, back pain, specifically a herniated disc led me to walking, and now 4 years later, I still do daily back exercise maintenance because I do a lot of sitting while I’m teaching online and while I work on my video scripts, blog post, emails, and everything else for my Walking for Health and Fitness website.

What I learned in doing Dr. Steve’s program is that daily back exercise is a must, and his program is so easy to do each day and naturally fits into my daily work schedule.

I highly recommend you give this program a risk-free trial. 

Whether you are currently suffering from back pain or just want an effective preventive plan so that you don’t get into that 80% back-pain sufferers group, Back Pain Breakthrough is a simple to do back healing & maintenance plan that is very different from anything else I’ve tried in the last 4 years.

I can say with confidence that if I had access to the program 4 years ago, I would not have gone through the agony I faced for a brutal 7 months.

So please, avoid at all costs getting into that 80% back pain suffers group.

CLICK HERE ==>to keep your back healthy!

PS I do make a commission when you purchase this product. But I’d recommend it even without the commission… Thanks.

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Walk on,